Five Options to Join LMP1 Course

Alpha TMCS would conduct the LMP1 Training on Zoom App for 16 hrs. covering the following:

  • Changing your habits, thinking and behavior
  • Goal Achievement Process

Payment Options and Opportunities:

Option 1- Payment After 1 month

Candidates who are currently working should pay the fees of 4000/-INR after first month from start date  of course.

Option 2- Payment Within 120 days

Candidates who do not have a job should pay the fees within 120 days of start of the course.

The fees can be paid through website-

Option 3-Provide Marketing Service: Bring 6 confirmed candidates within 6 months

Those candidates who are interested to do the course, but cannot pay fees due to their financial problems are requested to do marketing of Alpha TMC course.  They should bring many candidates such that minimum 6 candidates join the course by paying the fees. The 6 customers shall join within six months of start of your course.

Option 4-Arrange 5-10 student’s batch

Alpha TMCS pays marketing incentives for those candidates who are not interested to do the course, but can do marketing of the course.

  • The sponsor would get 10% income of course fee after the candidate joins the course and pays the fees.
  • If the sponsor arranges batch of 5 to 10 students and the students pay fees in advance, then the sponsor gets 30% of the course fee for the entire batch.

Option 5- Candidates Provides Training Service (provide one batch free training)

Alpha TMCS provides training to candidates who want to become trainer and conducts one batch of maximum 10 students freely after 3 months from start of the course. From 2nd batch onwards, the trainer gets 30% income of course fee. If he arranges 5-10 students, then he gets 30% income for arranging batch. Thus Alpha TMCS provides maximum of 60% income for providing both training and marketing services.